Analyze Results from Evaluation Quickstart

This notebook analyzes the results of the evaluation quickstart.


First, we need to import our libraries:

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline

Data Import and Preparation

LensKit puts its output in a csv file:

In [3]:
results = pd.read_csv('build/eval-results.csv')
Algorithm DataSet Partition BuildTime TestTime RMSE.ByUser RMSE.ByRating nDCG
0 PersMean ML100K 2 670 250 0.918045 0.960007 0.952628
1 PersMean ML100K 0 361 586 0.951878 0.947020 0.948389
2 PersMean ML100K 3 360 721 0.954364 0.922529 0.944793
3 PersMean ML100K 1 648 574 0.938969 0.981708 0.948190
4 Custom ML100K 3 340 375 0.954364 0.922529 0.944793

We ran each algorithm 5 times since we used 5-fold cross-validation. What we want to do next is compute the average value of each metric for each data set.

In [4]:
agg_results = results.drop(['Partition'], axis=1).groupby('Algorithm').mean()
BuildTime TestTime RMSE.ByUser RMSE.ByRating nDCG
Custom 404.2 815.0 0.933897 0.948108 0.949287
ItemItem 14934.4 488.8 0.897912 0.904838 0.955086
PersMean 646.0 875.6 0.933897 0.948108 0.949288

Plotting Results

Let's start plotting things. What's the RMSE achieved by each algorithm?

In [5]:
results.loc[:,['Algorithm', 'RMSE.ByUser']].boxplot(by='Algorithm')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0xb062b70>

Next up: nDCG

In [6]:
results.loc[:,['Algorithm', 'nDCG']].boxplot(by='Algorithm')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0xb06ed30>

Finally, the build and test times.

In [7]:
results.loc[:,['Algorithm', 'BuildTime', 'TestTime']].boxplot(by='Algorithm')
array([<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x000000000B369198>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x000000000B16A8D0>], dtype=object)
In [8]: